Sunday 25 August 2013

Vegetable & Prawn Fried Rice

Recipe on request :)

This recipe changes slightly depending on what I have. Lots of prep but then it all comes together really quickly. I usually prep earlier in the day and store in containers in fridge (as grouped below).


Peel & de-vein prawns

Whisk 2 eggs & 1 teaspoon of tamari (or soy sauce)

Peel & grate a knob of ginger,  finely chop 1 small red chilli (or to taste), finely chop 1 brown onion, finely dice 2 rashers of bacon.

Dice 1 red capsicum & 1 large carrot (or other veges of choice).

Finely chop 3 stalks spring onions.

Wash rice & add to rice cooker with water as per instructions for rice/grain of choice. Cook rice and allow to cool in fridge if preparing earlier or turn on rice cooker 30 mins before cooking (depending on rice & cooking method).


Heat a little olive oil in pan, add egg & swirl pan. When almost cooked, tip onto a plate & slice.

Add a little more olive oil to pan. Add ginger, chilli, onion & bacon. Cook for a couple of minutes to soften. Add veges & toss.  Allow to cook a further couple of minutes.

Add rice, prawns & 1/4 cup of tamari (or soy sauce). Prawns should only take a couple of minutes to cook depending on size.

Finally add spring onions, egg, a handful of cashews & a good sprinkle of sesame seeds.

Serve with a wedge of lemon.


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