Monday 12 November 2012

Cheat's Chicken Nuggets

Cheat's Chicken Nuggets

500g free range (organic if possible) chicken breast, minced
(your butcher should be happy to mince it for you)
good pinch of sea salt
cracked black pepper
pinch of dried thyme (or other herb of choice)
Coconut oil for frying (or other fat of choice)

1. Mix all ingredients together well with your hands.  Shape teaspoon sized pieces into nugget shapes.

2. Heat oil in frypan on medium-high heat.  Add nuggets, allow to brown well on one side before turning over.  Finish cooking on other side.  Drain on paper towel.

Note: These will also freeze well (as long as the chicken had not been frozen).  Reheat in oven or in frypan as above.

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